Learn about the groundbreaking new three-course
Customer-Centricity Curriculum at Wharton Executive Education.
As the world leaders in helping companies achieve the
advantages of true Customer-Centricity, Larry and Geoff
have created an exciting new series of two-day courses
available through Wharton Executive Education.
- CC1. Customer Profitability Management: The
New Foundation of Competitive Advantage
The journey to true
Customer-Centricity begins with a clear understanding
of the current and potential profitability of the company’s
customers. Most companies have no understanding or a
seriously flawed and misleading understanding of this.
When done correctly, the analysis is enormously powerful.
This course explains how to do it and make it pay.
- CC2. True Customer-Centric Innovation: Learning
Process for Continual Evergreening of a Company’s
Competitive Differentiation
companies try to achieve innovation through product or
service R&D. The returns are generally poor. They
should focus instead on customer R&D. When pursued
rigorously, Customer-Centric innovation produces standout
returns that competitors have a terribly hard time matching.
This course shows how the champions do it.
- CC3. Creating Superior Share Price Performance Through
Every company today, whether public
or private, is under unprecedented pressure to increase
its value. Generating consistent, profitable, organic,
double-digit revenue growth is extraordinarily difficult,
but truly Customer-Centric companies do so, even against
powerful, larger competitors. This course explains how.
These courses can be attended by any number of employees.
Companies often achieve the greatest value by sending a
team representing a range of corporate responsibilities.
Team members begin to work out immediately how they can
make Customer-Centricity happen at their company.
For full descriptions of each course, including concepts
covered, benefits to be gained, and enrollment information,
email info@ccangels.com.